Mathematik - Krakowski, Viktor Elementare Algebra für Mittelschulen und Technikum 1. Teil und 2. Teil 1. Tel 3. Auflage2. Teil 2. Auflage Verlag Leemann, 1956.
gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik
211 Seiten 267 Seiten Leinen
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Mathematik - Fiacco, Anthony V. [Hrsg.]: Extremal methods and systems analysis : an Internat. Symposium on the Occasion of Prof. Abraham Charnes' 60. Birthday, Austin, Texas, Sept. 13-15, 1977. ed. by A. V. Fiacco and K. O. Kortanek, Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems , 174
EUR 30,00 Details zum Buch... | Mathematik - Théra, Michel A.: Ill posed variational problems and regularization techniques : proceedings of the "Workshop on Ill Posed Variational Problems and Regulation Techniques", held at the University of Trier, September 3 - 5, 1998. Michel Théra , Rainer Tichatschke (ed.), Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems
EUR 26,00 Details zum Buch... | Mathematik - Jones, Neil D. , Muchnick, Steven S.: TEMPO: a unified treatment of binding time and parameter passing concepts in programming languages. Neil D, Lecture notes in computer science , 66
EUR 20,00 Details zum Buch... | Mathematik - Bogetoft, Peter: Non-cooperative planning theory. Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems
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