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Bernhard Maier, Translated By Cyril Edwards
Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture
Boydell Press, Woodbridge 1998
ISBN/EAN: 9780851156606

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kelten, Keltologie, Celtic Studies, Celtologie

Bernhard Maier, Translated By Cyril Edwards Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture
Broschur Wie Neu

Text Englisch. Broschierter Einband mit Rückentitelei, tadellos, XIII, 338 Seiten, insgesamt wie neu. --- A paperback monograph, XIII, 388 pages, excellent condition. "This dictionary, with more than a thousand articles, provides a comprehensive survey of all aspects of Celtic religion and culture, covering both the prehistoric continental Celts and the later, medieval culture that found written form long after the Celts had settled in the British Isles. Articles in the dictionary also cover the interaction between Celtic and Roman civilisations, and the seminal input of medieval Celtic legend into the Arthurian tradition. The continental and insular Celtic languages, both ancient and modern, are described, and there is a full account of the Celtic deities known from the inscriptions and iconography of the classical world. Celtic art and agriculture, the Ossian myth, the Irish renaissance, and the history of Celtic studies are among other areas treated in depth." +++ 15 x 23 cm. 0,6 kg. +++ Stichwörter/Keywords: Celtic Studies Keltologie Kulturgeschichte Sprachwissenschaft Mythen Linguistik Wörterbücher Archäologie

[SW: Celtic Studies Keltologie Kulturgeschichte Sprachwissenschaft Mythen Linguistik Wörterbücher Archäologie]
Celtic, Studies, Keltologie, Kulturgeschichte, Sprachwissenschaft, Mythen, Linguistik, Wörterbücher, Archäologie
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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