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Memoirs of a captivity among the indians of North America, from childhood to the age of nineteen. With anecdotes descriptive of their manners and customs. To which is added, some account of the soil, climate, and vegetable productions of the territory westward of the Mississippi. A new edition, with portrait.
London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1823.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Rare Books

HUNTER , JOHN D.: Memoirs of a captivity among the indians of North America, from childhood to the age of nineteen. With anecdotes descriptive of their manners and customs. To which is added, some account of the soil, climate, and vegetable productions of the territory westward of the Mississippi. A new edition, with portrait.
frontispiece, IX, 447 pp. Half calf with red marbeled edge. 22 x 13,5 cm.

From the contents: Of the extent, aspect soil, and climate of the country, distinguished at present by the names of the Missouri and Arkansas territories; Observations on the mountains, lakes, and rivers of the before described territories; Brief remarks on some of the animals, plants, and minerals, indigenous to the district of country; Hunting, fishing, agriculture, manufactures, currency, and trade; Crimes and modes of punishment. With traces of aging and using. Foxy and time-stained.

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 Étrennes de Bonaparte aux Francais ou (co) nstitution Francaise. Suivie des listes, des noms et demeures des membres du Gouvernement, du Sénat, du Corps Législatif, du Tribunat,des ministres et conseilliers d'État, avec leurs bureaux, et leurs audiences des menbres des principales Aministrations publiques; Banquiers et Notaires.

Étrennes de Bonaparte aux Francais ou (co) nstitution Francaise. Suivie des listes, des noms et demeures des membres du Gouvernement, du Sénat, du Corps Législatif, du Tribunat,des ministres et conseilliers d'État, avec leurs bureaux, et leurs audiences des menbres des principales Aministrations publiques; Banquiers et Notaires.

EUR 450,00
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LÖFFLER, KARL: Goldene Schatzkammer. General=Recept=Lexicon für Land- und Hauswirtschaft, Künste, Gewerbe und Handwerke.  2 Teile in 1 Band. (A - L; M - Z).
Goldene Schatzkammer. General=Recept=Lexicon für Land- und Hauswirtschaft, Künste, Gewerbe und Handwerke. 2 Teile in 1 Band. (A - L; M - Z).

EUR 150,00
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STORM, THEODOR: Die Söhne des Senators. Zweite /2./ Auflage.
Die Söhne des Senators. Zweite /2./ Auflage.

EUR 90,00
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Die Grossen. Leben und Leistung der sechshundert bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten unserer Welt. 12 Bände in je 2 Halb-Teilen. Zus. 24 Bände und ein Extra-Einführungs-Band.

EUR 160,00
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EUR 180,00
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Antiquariat im Schloss, DE-74193 Schwaigern
