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Raina, Peter:
A Daring Venture : Rudolf Hess and the Ill-Fated Peace Mission of 1941
Oxford, Bern, Peter Lang, 2014.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Nationalsozialismus / Drittes Reich / Faschismus

Raina, Peter:  A Daring Venture : Rudolf Hess and the Ill-Fated Peace Mission of 1941
SEHR gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. SIGNIERT mit WIDMUNG des Autors, datiert April 2014. BEILIEGT: Ausführlicher handschriftlicher BRIEF des AUTORS , datiert 21.12. 2013 in deutscher Sprache, Albrecht Haushofer betreffend , an einen deutschen Leser. - At the height of the Second World War, Hitler`s Deputy, Rudolf Hess, made a dramatic solo flight to the British Isles. His arrival there was sensational news - and it baffled everyone. Why had he come Hess claimed he had flown to Britain entirely of his own initiative and was on a personal mission of peace. But so unlikely was the success of such an appeal in Churchill`s entrenched Britain that historians continue to wonder at his motives. In this book, Peter Raina publishes, for the first time, complete texts of Hess`s `peace proposals` and a treatise he wrote in captivity outlining how he saw Nazi Germany`s role in Europe. These texts throw considerable light on Hess`s mission and also on how the Nazi leadership saw their programme of expansion and their relations with Britain. Disconcertingly single-minded and an unashamed disciple of Hitler, Hess was at heart an idealist. His friend and confidant Albrecht Haushofer was an idealist of a different kind, and joined the German Resistance Movement. The frame story of this book relates how the two men moved to their tragic ends. ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRAGE : 78 euro ) Originalbroschur. 278 Seiten. ERSTAUSGABE.

SEHR gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. SIGNIERT mit WIDMUNG des Autors, datiert April 2014. BEILIEGT: Ausführlicher handschriftlicher BRIEF des AUTORS , datiert 21.12. 2013 in deutscher Sprache, Albrecht Haushofer betreffend , an einen deutschen Leser. - At the height of the Second World War, Hitler`s Deputy, Rudolf Hess, made a dramatic solo flight to the British Isles. His arrival there was sensational news - and it baffled everyone. Why had he come Hess claimed he had flown to Britain entirely of his own initiative and was on a personal mission of peace. But so unlikely was the success of such an appeal in Churchill`s entrenched Britain that historians continue to wonder at his motives. In this book, Peter Raina publishes, for the first time, complete texts of Hess`s `peace proposals` and a treatise he wrote in captivity outlining how he saw Nazi Germany`s role in Europe. These texts throw considerable light on Hess`s mission and also on how the Nazi leadership saw their programme of expansion and their relations with Britain. Disconcertingly single-minded and an unashamed disciple of Hitler, Hess was at heart an idealist. His friend and confidant Albrecht Haushofer was an idealist of a different kind, and joined the German Resistance Movement. The frame story of this book relates how the two men moved to their tragic ends. ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRAGE : 78 euro )

[SW: Friedensmission, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Adolf Hitler, England, Biographie, Leben Scheitern Mission Frieden]
Friedensmission, Zweiter, Weltkrieg, Adolf, Hitler, England, Biographie, Leben, Scheitern, Mission, Frieden
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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