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Packer, Joy
Das hohe Dach.
1111 Heyne, München 1983,

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

TB., guter Zustand. 189s.,

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RUTHERFORD, J. G., Gwyn, D. G., A light and electron microscopic study of the inferior olivary nucleus in the aquirrel monkey, Saimiri sciurus. J. Comp. neurol. 189, 127-155 (1980) , Obr., [SD4]. , // ZUK, A., Gwyn, D. G., Rutherford, J. G. , Cytoarchitecture, neuronal morphology, and some efferent connections of the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) in the cat. J. Comp. Neurol. 212, 278-292 (1982) , Obr., [SD11] // Zuk, A., J. G. Rutherford & D, G, Gwyn, Projections from the interstitial nucleus of Cajal to the inferior olive and tothe dorsal spinal cord in cat. A retrograde fluorescent double-labeling study., Neurosci, Letters 38, 95-101 (1983),Obr., [SAP181]..

EUR 5,00
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Berthold, Erika & Claudia Zglinicki
Ich. Zwischen Liebe und Haß.-,

EUR 6,00
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KORF, H. W-., White, B. H., Schaad, N. C., Klein, D. C., Recoverin in pineal organs and retinae of various vertebrate species including man. Brain Res. 595, 57-66 (1992)., Obr., [WES70]..,// MOLLER, M., Korf, H. W., Central innervation of the pineal organ of the mongolian gerbil. A histochemical and lesion study., Cell Tiss Res. 230, 259-272 (1983)., Obr., [SD166]..,// MOLLER, M., Korf, H. W., The origin of central pinealopetal nerve fibers in the mongolian gerbil as demonstrated by the retrograde transport of HRö, Cell Tiss Res. 230, 273-287 (1983)., Orb., [SD166]..,

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Spanien für Sie.,

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