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Tambulasi, Richard I. C.
Reforming the Malawian Public Sector. Retrospectives and Prospectives Codesria Book Series
Dakar, Codesria, 2010.
ISBN/EAN: 9782869783140

gefunden im Sachgebiet: 749 politik & gesellschaft Sonstiges

118 Seiten 23 cm, Softcover, Taschenbuch

Englischer Text. Reforming the Malawian Public Sector argues that the new public management model that Malawi, like most African countries, adopted under the influence of donor organisations has not led to the intended development. The book examines decentralisation, performance contracting, and publicñprivate partnerships as key aspects of the reforms and comes to the conclusion that at best, it can be argued that the failures have been due to poor implementation and this could be attributed to the fact that the process was led by donors who lacked the necessary institutional infrastructure. Umschlag minimal berieben. Sehr gut bis fast wie neu. 9782869783140

[SW: sonstiges politik & gesellschaft,]
sonstiges, politik, gesellschaft
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,25
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Baues Verlag, DE-28199 Bremen
