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Jones, David und Pauline
Hadrian's Wall

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Archäologie/ frühe Geschichte

- Contents: 1. Map showing the full ength of Handrian's Wall with sites and topographical features marked / 2. Building the wall. A pictorial description including site photographs, carvings and diagrams / 3. The soldier's arms and armour. A reconstruction to show a soldier with his armour and weapons, and photographs of surviving items of armour and equipment/ 4. Survey of Chesters, a cavalry fort on Hadrian's Wall / 5. Building inscription from the outpost fort at High Rochester / 6. Guard roster of a Roman cavalry regiment stationed in Syria - a fascinating papyrus which throws light on the soldiers' life and duties / 7. Soldier's discharge diploma from Malpas, Cheshire, consisting of a pair of inscribed metal plates equivalent to a modern soldier's discharge papers / 8. Tombstone of Marcus Favonius Facilis, a Roman centurion / Broadsheets: I. The Romans Come to Britain / II. Building and Manning the Wall / III: Legionaries and Auxiliaries / IV. Garrison Life on Hadrian's Wall / V. The History of the Wall - Jackdaw No. 41 - Anbei 9 Postkarten - Mappe mit diversen Broschüren, Tafeln und 1 Karte. Jackdaw Publications, London (1969)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,90
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