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Hallett Mark Riding Christine
Hogarth: The Artist and the City
Tate Gallery 2006
ISBN/EAN: 1854376969

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geistes- u. Kulturwissenschaften

Konversationsstücke moralische Bilderfolgen Mode Sitten sozialen Missstände Election Karikatur Teich von Bethesda Barmherziger Samariter krt. This illustrated book examines the whole of Hogarth's career, from his beginnings as a young and ambitious engraver in the 1720s, through to his rise to fame as a painter and printmaker in the 1730s and 1740s, and the crystallisation of his aesthetic theories in the treatise The Analysis of Beauty, published in 1753. Where most previous considerations of this prolific artist have concentrated on just a part of his multi-faceted career, here every aspect is included: his remarkable canvases, ranging from elegant conversation pieces to salacious brothel scenes and from early pictorial sequences such as A Rake's Progress to the Election series he produced in the last decade of his life; his vibrant drawings and sketches; and the numerous engraved works for which he is perhaps most famous, including Industry and Idleness, Gin Lane, Beer Street and The Four Stages of Cruelty." "In telling the complete story of Hogarth's life and work, the book offers a new understanding of the breadth of his achievements, demonstrating his brilliance as a graphic satirist, urban commentator, draughtsman, portraitist and history painter, and highlighting his exceptionally innovative role in creating a new art form, the satirical pictorial series. Published to accompany a major exhibition at Tate Britain, Hogarth provides the most comprehensive publication on this artist in print, revealing his unique contribution to the development of modern British art

4°, farb. illustr. Papp-Einbd. col.ill. Paper Hardcover. original shrink-wrapped, absolutely NEW!! Brand new item!

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