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Lawrence, D. H.:
Lady Chatterley`s Lover.
Jan Forlag, Stockholm, 1960.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literatur

Die Seiten noch teils unbeschnitten, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. - The second Stockholm edition of this work, published by Jan Forlag. An unexpurgated authorised edition.`Lady Chatterley`s Lover` was a controversial novel when first published in a private edition in Italy in 1928 and France in 1929. An unexpurgated edition was not openly published in the U.K. until 1960, when it was the subject of an important obscenity trial against Penguin Books. The book had been banned due to its obscenity in being sexually explicitly, and for its use of the then-unprintable four-letter words. The romance in the novel was also notorious at the time as it took place between an upper-class woman and a working-class man.Overall the novel is a love story for the upper-class woman Constance Reid, who is stuck in an unhappy marriage with a paralysed war hero. She begins an affair with the gamekeeper, and is an important commentary on class difference of the time.This was an important novel of the twentieth century, ushering in the sexual revolution that happened post-World War Two into the 60s and 70s. In the original publisher`spaper wraps. Originalbroschur. 309 Seiten.

Die Seiten noch teils unbeschnitten, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar. - The second Stockholm edition of this work, published by Jan Forlag. An unexpurgated authorised edition.`Lady Chatterley`s Lover` was a controversial novel when first published in a private edition in Italy in 1928 and France in 1929. An unexpurgated edition was not openly published in the U.K. until 1960, when it was the subject of an important obscenity trial against Penguin Books. The book had been banned due to its obscenity in being sexually explicitly, and for its use of the then-unprintable four-letter words. The romance in the novel was also notorious at the time as it took place between an upper-class woman and a working-class man.Overall the novel is a love story for the upper-class woman Constance Reid, who is stuck in an unhappy marriage with a paralysed war hero. She begins an affair with the gamekeeper, and is an important commentary on class difference of the time.This was an important novel of the twentieth century, ushering in the sexual revolution that happened post-World War Two into the 60s and 70s. In the original publisher`spaper wraps.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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