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Hobson, M.P., G.P. Efstathiou and A.N. Lasenby:
General Relativity. An Introduction for Physicists.
Cambridge University Press, 2006.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. In EXCELLENT shape. - An Introduction for Physicists provides a clear mathematical introduction to Einstein`s theory of general relativity. It presents a wide range of applications of the theory, concentrating on its physical consequences. After reviewing the basic concepts, the authors present a clear and intuitive discussion of the mathematical background, including the necessary tools of tensor calculus and differential geometry. These tools are then used to develop the topic of special relativity and to discuss electromagnetism in Minkowski spacetime. Gravitation as spacetime curvature is then introduced and the field equations of general relativity derived. After applying the theory to a wide range of physical situations, the book concludes with a brief discussion of classical field theory and the derivation of general relativity from a variational principle. Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this approachable textbook contains over 300 exercises to illuminate and extend the discussion in the text. Originalpappband. 25 cm XVIII, 572 Seiten. First published.

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. In EXCELLENT shape. - An Introduction for Physicists provides a clear mathematical introduction to Einstein`s theory of general relativity. It presents a wide range of applications of the theory, concentrating on its physical consequences. After reviewing the basic concepts, the authors present a clear and intuitive discussion of the mathematical background, including the necessary tools of tensor calculus and differential geometry. These tools are then used to develop the topic of special relativity and to discuss electromagnetism in Minkowski spacetime. Gravitation as spacetime curvature is then introduced and the field equations of general relativity derived. After applying the theory to a wide range of physical situations, the book concludes with a brief discussion of classical field theory and the derivation of general relativity from a variational principle. Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this approachable textbook contains over 300 exercises to illuminate and extend the discussion in the text.

[SW: englische Einführung allgemeine relativitätstheorie Einstein]
englische, Einführung, allgemeine, relativitätstheorie, Einstein
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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