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Varney, Carlton:
In the Pink: Dorothy Draper--America`s Most Fabulous Decorator ISBN 10: 0985225602ISBN 13: 9780985225605
Pointed Leaf Press, 2006.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunstgeschichte / Kunstwissenschaft

The author of this work, Carleton Varney, is a world-renowned decorator and author who worked with Draper and purchased her company on the 1960s. Dorothy Draper (1889-1969) was, for her time, the most famous decorator in America. A pioneering businesswoman and expert colorist, she used her trademark cabbage-rose chintz and neo-baroque plasterwork to create innovative and cheerful interiors for apartment houses, hotels, restaurants, theatres, department stores and private homes. Contents: Introduction -- She`ll take Manhattan -- Ask Dorothy -- Go for Baroque -- Get well soon -- Living it up -- Bolts of inspiration -- All aboard -- My Dorothy. Originalpappband mit Original-Schutzumschlag. 32 cm 216 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen, teils farbigen Abbildungen.

The author of this work, Carleton Varney, is a world-renowned decorator and author who worked with Draper and purchased her company on the 1960s. Dorothy Draper (1889-1969) was, for her time, the most famous decorator in America. A pioneering businesswoman and expert colorist, she used her trademark cabbage-rose chintz and neo-baroque plasterwork to create innovative and cheerful interiors for apartment houses, hotels, restaurants, theatres, department stores and private homes. Contents: Introduction -- She`ll take Manhattan -- Ask Dorothy -- Go for Baroque -- Get well soon -- Living it up -- Bolts of inspiration -- All aboard -- My Dorothy.

[SW: Film Filmdekoration, Biographie Leben werk Dekoration Design Filmdekoration]
Film, Filmdekoration, Biographie, Leben, werk, Dekoration, Design, Filmdekoration
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