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Chaichian, M. and A. Demichev:
Quantum groups.
Singapore, World Scientific, 1996.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Physik

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. In excellent shape. SOFORT LIEFERBAR - Printed after ordering ( 89 Euros)- This volume presents the lectures given by distinguished contributors at the First German-Polish Max Born Symposium, held at Wojnowice in Poland in September, 1991. This is the first such symposium to continue the tradition of a German-Polish collaboration in theoretical physics in the form of biannual seminars organized between the Universities of Leipzig and Wroclaw since the early seventies. The papers in this volume are devoted to quantum group theory, noncommutative differential geometry, and integrable systems. Particular emphasis is given to the formalism of noncommutative geometry on quantum groups, the quantum deformation of Poincaré algebra and the axiomatic approach to superselection rules. Possible relations between noncommutative geometry and particle physics models are also considered. For researchers and postgraduate students of theoretical and mathematical physics. Originalbroschur. 23 cm XI,343 Seiten. First edition.

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. In excellent shape. SOFORT LIEFERBAR - Printed after ordering ( 89 Euros)- This volume presents the lectures given by distinguished contributors at the First German-Polish Max Born Symposium, held at Wojnowice in Poland in September, 1991. This is the first such symposium to continue the tradition of a German-Polish collaboration in theoretical physics in the form of biannual seminars organized between the Universities of Leipzig and Wroclaw since the early seventies. The papers in this volume are devoted to quantum group theory, noncommutative differential geometry, and integrable systems. Particular emphasis is given to the formalism of noncommutative geometry on quantum groups, the quantum deformation of Poincaré algebra and the axiomatic approach to superselection rules. Possible relations between noncommutative geometry and particle physics models are also considered. For researchers and postgraduate students of theoretical and mathematical physics.

[SW: Qantenphysik, Quantengruppen]
Qantenphysik, Quantengruppen
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