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Bernd, Clifford Albrecht:
Theodor Storm. The Dano-German poet and writer (= North American Studies in 19th-Century German Literature. Volume 33).
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2005.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literaturgeschichte / Literaturwissenschaft

(= North American Studies in 19th-Century German Literature. Volume 33). FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Mit ausführlicher schöner WIDMUNG, SIGNIERT, an einen bedeutenden deutschen Germanisten, datiert Weihnachten 1995. - "This book offers a new understanding of the nineteenth-century German author Theodor Storm, taking seriously, for the first time, the heritage of the Danish muse in his life and major works. Bernd offers a Dano-German portrait of Storm, tracing the youth of the author in the bicultural borderland of Schleswig, where Storm lived under a succession of Danish monarchs until he was 36 years old, and learned to refer to the German states as Ausland (foreign territory). Highlighting the German nationalism that has prevented previous biographers, beginning with Storm`s own daughter, from drawing attention to the importance of Danish culture and literature in forming the author, Bernd then details Storm`s education and reading in the Danish language and literature, showing how he added a distinct Danish tone to his German poetry and also refashioned the German novella in the manner of Danish practitioners, and thus became a unique representative of a Danish literature situated in the German-speaking world. These achievements, inflected by transnational influence, should now help us to recognize Storm as a figure of exceptional importance in European letters." - The Author: Clifford Albrecht Bernd, Professor of German at the University of California, Davis and Corresponding Member of the Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft in Husum, was born in Bronxville, New York and educated at New York University and the University of Heidelberg. He has held teaching appointments at Princeton University and the University of Leicester. His publications include Theodor Storm`s Craft of Fiction (1963, 1966), German Poetic Realism (1981) and Poetic Realism in Scandinavia and Central Europe 1820-1895 (1995). Originalleinen mit Original-Schutzumschlag. ERSTAUSGABE.

FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. FRISCHES, SEHR schönes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. Mit ausführlicher schöner WIDMUNG, SIGNIERT, an einen bedeutenden deutschen Germanisten, datiert Weihnachten 1995. - "This book offers a new understanding of the nineteenth-century German author Theodor Storm, taking seriously, for the first time, the heritage of the Danish muse in his life and major works. Bernd offers a Dano-German portrait of Storm, tracing the youth of the author in the bicultural borderland of Schleswig, where Storm lived under a succession of Danish monarchs until he was 36 years old, and learned to refer to the German states as Ausland (foreign territory). Highlighting the German nationalism that has prevented previous biographers, beginning with Storm`s own daughter, from drawing attention to the importance of Danish culture and literature in forming the author, Bernd then details Storm`s education and reading in the Danish language and literature, showing how he added a distinct Danish tone to his German poetry and also refashioned the German novella in the manner of Danish practitioners, and thus became a unique representative of a Danish literature situated in the German-speaking world. These achievements, inflected by transnational influence, should now help us to recognize Storm as a figure of exceptional importance in European letters." - The Author: Clifford Albrecht Bernd, Professor of German at the University of California, Davis and Corresponding Member of the Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft in Husum, was born in Bronxville, New York and educated at New York University and the University of Heidelberg. He has held teaching appointments at Princeton University and the University of Leicester. His publications include Theodor Storm`s Craft of Fiction (1963, 1966), German Poetic Realism (1981) and Poetic Realism in Scandinavia and Central Europe 1820-1895 (1995).

[SW: Dänemark, Dänen Biographie Leben Werk, Interpretation]
Dänemark, Dänen, Biographie, Leben, Werk, Interpretation
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