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Ruppin, Arthur:
Die landwirtschaftliche Kolonisation der Zionistischen Organisation in Palästina.
Berlin, Verlag Aufbau, 1925.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Judaica / Antisemitismus

Nur der Einband mit etwas stärkeren Gebrauchsspuren ( Kanten etwas berieben und die hellen Deckel etwas fleckig) . Die Titelseite und die ersten Seiten etwas stockfleckig. Sonst gutes Exemplar. ENTHÄLT: I. Die Anfänge der zionistischen Kolonisation. II. Die Prinzipien der zionistischen Kolonisationspolitik. - Arthur Ruppin, geboren 1. März 1876 in Rawitsch bei Posen; gestorben 1. Januar 1943 in Jerusalem) war jüdischer Soziologe, Zionist und einer der Wegbereiter der Gründung der Stadt Tel Aviv (Achusat Bajit). Häufig wird er der Vater der zionistischen Siedlungsbewegung genannt» (Wikipedia). - Dr. Arthur Ruppin (1876-1943) was born in Germany. At age 15, family poverty forced him to go to work. Nonetheless, he was able to complete his studies in law and economics. He was to distinguish himself both in furthering practical Zionist settlement and in the academic world. Ruppin joined the Zionist Organization in 1905. In 1907 he was sent by David Wolfsohnn, the President of the Zionist Organization, to study the condition of the Jewish Yishuv (community in Palestine) and to investigate the possibilities for development of agriculture and industry. He reported on what he saw, which was not good, and gave recommendations for improving the situation. In 1908 Ruppin came to live in Israel in accordance with the decision of the eighth Zionist Congress. He opened the Palestine Bureau (also known as "Eretz Yisrael Office") of the Zionist organization in Yaffo, with the aim of directing the settlement activities of the Zionist movement. His support for the communal settlement idea helped to solve the practical economic problems of how to deal with the harsh realities of agricultural settlement for Jews in Palestine. His work made "practical Zionism" possible and shaped the direction of the second Aliya. Originalhalbleinen. 609 S. ; 24 cm ERSTAUSGABE.

Nur der Einband mit etwas stärkeren Gebrauchsspuren ( Kanten etwas berieben und die hellen Deckel etwas fleckig) . Die Titelseite und die ersten Seiten etwas stockfleckig. Sonst gutes Exemplar. ENTHÄLT: I. Die Anfänge der zionistischen Kolonisation. II. Die Prinzipien der zionistischen Kolonisationspolitik. - Arthur Ruppin, geboren 1. März 1876 in Rawitsch bei Posen; gestorben 1. Januar 1943 in Jerusalem) war jüdischer Soziologe, Zionist und einer der Wegbereiter der Gründung der Stadt Tel Aviv (Achusat Bajit). Häufig wird er der Vater der zionistischen Siedlungsbewegung genannt» (Wikipedia). - Dr. Arthur Ruppin (1876-1943) was born in Germany. At age 15, family poverty forced him to go to work. Nonetheless, he was able to complete his studies in law and economics. He was to distinguish himself both in furthering practical Zionist settlement and in the academic world. Ruppin joined the Zionist Organization in 1905. In 1907 he was sent by David Wolfsohnn, the President of the Zionist Organization, to study the condition of the Jewish Yishuv (community in Palestine) and to investigate the possibilities for development of agriculture and industry. He reported on what he saw, which was not good, and gave recommendations for improving the situation. In 1908 Ruppin came to live in Israel in accordance with the decision of the eighth Zionist Congress. He opened the Palestine Bureau (also known as "Eretz Yisrael Office") of the Zionist organization in Yaffo, with the aim of directing the settlement activities of the Zionist movement. His support for the communal settlement idea helped to solve the practical economic problems of how to deal with the harsh realities of agricultural settlement for Jews in Palestine. His work made "practical Zionism" possible and shaped the direction of the second Aliya.

[SW: Ruppin, Arthur ; Biographie Zionismus zionistische politik zwanziger Jahre Israel]
Ruppin, Arthur, Biographie, Zionismus, zionistische, politik, zwanziger, Jahre, Israel
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