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englische Literatur - MOORE, Thomas
The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Complete in One Volume. Illustrated with Engravings, from Drawings by Eminent Artists ) thick 8vo., 23.5cm, , with engraved frontis portrait and vignette engraved title page & 8 plates, printed in double columns, framed, index, in contemporary full crushed dark morocco, raised bands, gilt borders and decorations in the panels, gilt borders and decorations on the boards, gilt inner dentelles, bevelled boards, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, some slight wear at the edges and on the bands otherwise an attractive contemporary copy (s9.2). Thomas Moore and Robert Service are considered the best poets for reading aloud
New York. D. Appleton & Company., 1863.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Literatur

747 p. Gr.-Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Ganzleder /Ganzgoldschnitt /auf 5 Bünden geprägter Deckel, gebundene Ausgabe

minimal fleckig , die Stiche mit Seidepapier Vorsatz, Versand 6 €

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
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Franklin, Benjamin:
Poor Richard's Almanack being the choicest Morsels of Wit and Wisdom, written during the Years of the Almanack's Publication, By that well-known Savant, Dr. Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia - Quasi-18th century book of maxims 'with numerous [= 9] quaint CUTS by an unknown Hand'.

EUR 20,00
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engl. Literatur - Maurier, Daphne du
The Glass-Blowers 320 S

EUR 10,00
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Engl. Literatur - Steward, Ann:
Take Nothing for Your Journey

EUR 6,50
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engl. Literatur - Ferber, Edna:
Saratoga Trunk

EUR 8,00
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EUR 60,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 31450

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Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim
