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Twistors in Mathematics and Physics.

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twistor, Mathematik, Physik Bailey, T.N. and R.J. Baston: Twistors in Mathematics and Physics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990. SEHR gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. ( mint copy) - This book deals with the twistor treatment of certain linear and non-linear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. The description in terms of twistors involves algebraic and differential geometry, and several complex variables, and results in a different kind of setting that gives a new perspective on the properties of space-time and field theories. The book is designed to be used by mathematicians and physicists and so the authors have made it reasonably self-contained. The first part contains a development of the necessary mathematical background. In the second part, Yang-Mills fields and gravitational fields (the basic fields of contemporary physics) are described at the classical level. In the final part, the mathematics and physics are married to solve a number of field-theoretical problems. ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRFAGE: 90 Euro ) Originalbroschur. / wrappers First published SEHR gutes Exemplar der ERSTAUSGABE. ( mint copy) - This book deals with the twistor treatment of certain linear and non-linear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. The description in terms of twistors involves algebraic and differential geometry, and several complex variables, and results in a different kind of setting that gives a new perspective on the properties of space-time and field theories. The book is designed to be used by mathematicians and physicists and so the authors have made it reasonably self-contained. The first part contains a development of the necessary mathematical background. In the second part, Yang-Mills fields and gravitational fields (the basic fields of contemporary physics) are described at the classical level. In the final part, the mathematics and physics are married to solve a number of field-theoretical problems. ( NEUDRUCK auf ANFRFAGE: 90 Euro )
[SW: twistor, Mathematik, Physik]
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Bestell-Nr.: 231370 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik
Anbieter: Chiemgauer Internet Antiquariat GbR, DE-83352 Altenmarkt
Konto in der Schweiz vorhanden - Zahlung über PayPal möglich auf folgende Email: strassberger@email.de

EUR 30,50
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,50
Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage
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