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Reflections by Hardy`s - No.1: Nymph fishing for trout. No.2: Dry Fly Fishing in rough stream rivers. No.3: On noght Angling for trout and Sea Trout. No.4: Night Fishing with bait for trout and sea trout.

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House of Hardy Bros.LTD (Hrsg.): Reflections by Hardy`s - No.1: Nymph fishing for trout. No.2: Dry Fly Fishing in rough stream rivers. No.3: On noght Angling for trout and Sea Trout. No.4: Night Fishing with bait for trout and sea trout. Alnwick, Eigenverlag ca.1937. covers little rubbed and worned, little stained, otherwise good and clean condition Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Softcover/Paperback 8+6+8+8 Seiten with many figures and pictures 1. Aufl. covers little rubbed and worned, little stained, otherwise good and clean condition
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Bestell-Nr.: 40904 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: Angeln/Fischen
Anbieter: Antiquariat Deinbacher, AT-3142 Murstetten

EUR 99,00
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand: EUR 8,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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