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Morley Sylvanus Griswold An Introduction to the Study of the Maya Hieroglyphs Dover Publications, N.Y. 1975 Maya Glyphs Guatemala Campeche Calendar Arithmetic Symbol Ahau Pop Chicchan bro. XXVIII, 284(+9)S. With a New Introduction and Bibliography by J.Eric S. Thompson. 117 Illustrations. ISBN: 0486231089 8°, farb. illustr. Papp-Einbd. m. reichl. Gebr.- u. Knickspuren a. Ebd; innen tadellos!
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Bestell-Nr.: 111310 - gefunden im Sachgebiet: ICONICA: Symbolika Occulta Ikonographie Mythologica Zeichen Kunst
Anbieter: Rudra Books, AT-8222 Seefeld
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