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Wilde, Oscar; Hassfurther, Richard;; THE HAPPY PRINCE AND OTHER TALES 1966 Hölder Pichler Tempsky Verlag, Wien High above a city on a slender column stands the statue of the happy prince. She is covered with gold leaf, her eyes are sapphires. During his lifetime, the Happy Prince was admired by all people because he was always cheerful. Now, as a statue, he notices the misery of the city. When a little swallow on its way to Egypt settles down at the feet of the prince to sleep, a tear from the eye of the happy prince hits it. The prince tells the swallow about a poor seamstress whose son is sick, and asks her to bring the mother a ruby to help her.... Anmerkungen: Im Einvernehmen mit der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Englischlehrer. Zustand: Seiten geringfügig gebräunt, Einband leicht beschädigt, Einband geringfügig fleckig, kleiner Besitzervermerksstempel auf dem Vorsatzblatt, insgesamt altersgemäß GUTER GEBRAUCHTER Zustand.
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