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Anbieter: Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim
Autor/Titel: Geology - McMillan, N.J., A.F. Embry and D.J. Glass Devonian of the World: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Devonian System (CSPG Memoir 14) Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists This massive work resulted from the highly successful Second International Symposium on the Devonian System held in Calgary in 1987. More than 2,000 pages provide comprehensive coverage of the Devonian System around the world. Volume I, entitled Regional Synthesis, contains 45 papers covering: Canada; the USA; Europe and North Africa; South America and South Africa; Australia; New Zealand and Antarctica; and global synthesis. Volume II on Sedimentation contains 48 papers divided into three sections; Clastics and Tectonics, Black Shales, and Carbonates, Reefs and Evaporites. Volume III contains 59 papers divided into two main sections; Global Events and Boundaries; and Paleoecology and Biostratography. Containing much of the recent work on the Devonian System, this memoir is an important reference not only for geologists working on the Devonian, but for all scientists interested in Global geology and paleogeography 3 Volumes
Bestell-Nr.: 53251

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