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Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History - 34.Volume, 1907-12.
Boston, Eigenverlag 1907-12.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaften

cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, contents: C.H.Danforth: A new pteropod from New England. Joseph A.Cushman: Formaninifera of the wood hole region. Jesse E.Hyde:Camarophorella, a mississippian Meristelloid brachiopod. Paul Bartsch: Pyramidellidae of New England and the adjacent region. Charles W.Johnson: New and little known Tipulidae. Douglas Wilson Johnson: A geological excursion in the Grand Canon district. John Robert Johnston: Föora of the islands of Margarita and Coche. Edward S.Morse: An early stage of Acmaea. Edward Jeffrey: A new Araucarian genus from the Triassic. A new Prepinus from Marthas Vineyard. Willard van Name: Compound ascidians of the coasts of New England and neighboring British Provinces. C.H.Clapp/H.W.Shimer: The Sutton Jurassic of the Vancouver Group. van Name: Simple ascidians of the coast of New England Gr.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm, Bibl.HLwd.Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeLwd. = Leinwand with 73 plates, 619 Seiten, 1. Aufl.

cover little rubbed, otherwise good and clean condition, contents: C.H.Danforth: A new pteropod from New England. Joseph A.Cushman: Formaninifera of the wood hole region. Jesse E.Hyde:Camarophorella, a mississippian Meristelloid brachiopod. Paul Bartsch: Pyramidellidae of New England and the adjacent region. Charles W.Johnson: New and little known Tipulidae. Douglas Wilson Johnson: A geological excursion in the Grand Canon district. John Robert Johnston: Föora of the islands of Margarita and Coche. Edward S.Morse: An early stage of Acmaea. Edward Jeffrey: A new Araucarian genus from the Triassic. A new Prepinus from Marthas Vineyard. Willard van Name: Compound ascidians of the coasts of New England and neighboring British Provinces. C.H.Clapp/H.W.Shimer: The Sutton Jurassic of the Vancouver Group. van Name: Simple ascidians of the coast of New England

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