Innere Medizin / Bakteriologie - Schmidt, Hans.: Grundlagen der spezifischen Therapie und Prophylaxe bakterieller Infektionskrankheiten. Grundlagen der spezifischen Therapie und Prophylaxe bakterieller IInfektionskrankheiten. mit Frontispiz-Porträt, Abbildungen, Tabellen und wenigen Tafeln. XX, 1188 S., Gr8°. Ln.
EUR 15,00 Details zum Buch... | Innere Medizin - S. O. Et Al: Evaluation of Liver Function ) Indianapolis, Ind. : Lily Research Lab. 1974, Pictorial Hard Cover. Medical Science. Oversized. Hard back book/cover in good condition, slight wear to edges, as normal for age of book. Clean bright pages, good readers copy. Poignent research mate rial for students and academics. Expansive theories on this subject matter, a good read. Hard back book/cover in good condition, slight wear to edges, as normal for age of book. Clean bright pages, g o od readers copy. Features photos and/or illustrations., Pictorial Hard Cover. Medical Science. Oversized. Hard back book/cover in good condition, slight wear to edges, as normal for age of book. Clean bright pages, good readers copy. Poignent research mate rial for students and academics. Expansive theories on this subject matter, a good read. Hard back book/cover in good condition, slight wear to edges, as normal for age of book. Clean bright pages, g o od readers copy. Features photos and/or illustrations., ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR AND INDEX C. E. HAMMOND Gebundene Ausgabe Memo1
EUR 12,00 Details zum Buch... | Innere Medizin - Moeschlin, Sven.: Klinik und Therapie der Vergiftungen. 4. neubearb. und erw. Aufl.
EUR 13,00 Details zum Buch... | Innere Medizin - SAHLI, H.,: , Lehrbuch der klinischen Untersuchungs - Methoden . 6. umgearb. u. erg. Aufl., 2. unver. Abdruck. 2 Bde. (in 3). M. sehr zahlr. Textabb. Lpz. u. Wien, Deuticke, 1920. Gr.-8°. Neue Hlwdbde. - Bd. 2, Tl. 2. in Ohlwd. -
EUR 55,00 Details zum Buch... |