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Stout, Robert
Notes on the progress of New Zealand for twenty years, 1864-1884.
Wellington, George Didsbury, 1886.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geographie & Länderkunde / Geography & Travel

Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm. With 22 fold-out diagrams and 2 maps. 39 pp., 24 fold-out leaves. Cloth binding with gilt title on the board. - The following 2 maps are included: "Map shewing the density of the population of New Zealand in 1881 (Maoris excluded)". - "Map shewing the location of the population of New Zealand in 1864 (Maoris excluded)". - Contents: Population, trade and shipping, mineral development, agriculture, manufactures etc.

Lining age-toned. 1 stamp on the reverse of the front lining and on the reverse of the final diagram, 3 stamps and 2 handwritten shelf marks on the title page. Each fold-out leaf with a small crack on the bottom margin. Paper foxed.

[SW: Neuseeland, economy, Wirtschaft, Entwicklung, Fortschritt, Kolonialismus, Imperialismus, Kolonien, colonialism, imperialism]
Neuseeland, economy, Wirtschaft, Entwicklung, Fortschritt, Kolonialismus, Imperialismus, Kolonien, colonialism, imperialism
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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Budva (Budua) -
Gerahmter Stahlstich von "Budua" von F. Zeifs nach P. Ahrens. Stich und Druck der Kunst-Anstalt d. Oestr. Lloyd in Triest.

EUR 50,00
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Brooks, Lester
Club-Reiseführer New York. Reisen - Sehen - Erleben. Architektur, Restaurants, Touren, Museen, Hotels, Shopping, Theater, Pläne.

EUR 10,00
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Anjou-Landkarte - Jansson, Johannes  Le Duchè d'Anjou.
Anjou-Landkarte - Jansson, Johannes
Le Duchè d'Anjou.

EUR 250,00
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Steinkamp, Hermann
Zur Frage des Gewalt- und Toleranzgedankens im Britischen Weltreich. Dissertation an der Universität Köln.

EUR 12,00
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EUR 45,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 15786

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