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Geographie, Geologie, Länderkunde - Avebury, Lord:
The Scenery of Switzerland and the causes of which it is due 1913 by the right Hon. Lord Avebury, P.C.
London, Maximilians and Co. Ltd., 1913.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geologie

501, ads. illustrations and maps Dark blue covered cloth book - Hardback - gebundene Ausgabe

in gutem Zustand, Slight wear - Widmung - with handwritten dedication

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 4,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
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Geologie - Nacdonald, Gordon and Kuno Hisashi
The Crust of the Pacific Basin Based on Papers in Two Symposia

EUR 10,00
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Geology - Robinson, A.G.
Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region (AAPG Memoir, 68) American Association of Petroleum Geologists, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Book, [PU: American Association of Petroleum Geologists], American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Noted authority Andrew Robinson has compiled this up-to-date research for all geoscientists interested in this region stretching from Greece to the Caspian Sea. Scientists, many from the area, explore the diverse and complex geotectonism. American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Founded in 1917, AAPG is the world's largest professional geological society. AAPG is a pillar of the world-wide scientific community. Our books foster timely scientific research, advance the science of geology and promote the most efficient methods of energy exploration & processing technology and practices available today. 1 Band - 1 volume

EUR 85,00
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Geologie - Dobrin, Milton B.
Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. Second Edition.

EUR 12,00
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Geologie - Autorenkollektiv

EUR 50,00
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EUR 39,00
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Bestell-Nr.: 45556

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Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim
