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Bibliophile Jacob (d.i. Paul Lacroix) gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kinder- und Jugendbücher vor 1945 4ºAntikbuch24-SchnellhilfeQuart = Höhe des Buchrücken 30-35 cm. 96 pages. Halbleinen, Einband staubig, Buchecken bestoßen, 1 Seite unten kl. Ausriss (ohne Textverlust), größtenteils vom Buchblock gelöst, muß neu gebunden werden (lohnt wegen der Seltenheit des Buches). many lithographs, Cover lithograph from Omer Henry
(für das Erscheinungsjahr u.a. siehe Bibliografie im Internet "relatosfranceses") ------------ Paul Lacroix (1806-1884) Paul Lacroix, más conocido por sus pseudónimos P.L. Jacob y Le Bibliophile Jacob es un erudito francés nacido el 27 de febrero de 1806 en París y fallecido en la misma ciudad el 19 de octubre de 1884. Aunque se inició en la literatura con varias comedias en verso, su fama se debe sobre todo a su labor como historiador y bibliófilo; fue reorganizador de la Bibliothèque du Roi y Conservador de la Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal. Es asimismo autor de numerosas novelas de carácter histórico y de cuentos ------------ Paul Lacroix (April 27, 1806 - October 16, 1884), French author and journalist, was born in Paris, the son of a novelist. He is best known under his pseudonym of P.L. Jacob, bibliophile, or Bibliophile Jacob, suggested by the constant interest he took in public libraries and books generally. Lacroix was an extremely prolific and varied writer. More than twenty historical romances alone came from his pen, and he also wrote a variety of serious historical works, including a history of Napoleon III, and the life and times of the Tsar Nicholas I of Russia. He was the joint author with Ferdinand Séré of a five-volume work, Le moyen âge et la renaissance (1847), a standard work on the manners, customs and dress of those times, the chief merit of which lies in the great number of illustrations it contains. He also wrote many monographs on phases of the history of culture, including Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period. Over the signature Pierre Dufour was published an exhaustive Histoire de la prostitution (1851-1852), which has always been attributed to Lacroix. His works on bibliography were also extremely numerous. In 1885 he was appointed librarian of the Arsenal Library, Paris.
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 6,00 Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage
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