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Mathematik - Solomon, Charles und Kenneth Ody
Mathematik. Charles Solomon. Vorw. von H. G. Tillmann. Ill. von Kenneth Ody, Delphintaschenbuch in Farbe ; Nr. 6
Stuttgart ; Zürich : Delphin-Verl., 1970.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

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Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage
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Mathematik - Nguyen, Van-Hien:
Optimization : proceedings of the 9th Belgian French German Conference on Optimization, Namur, September 7 - 11, 1998. Van Hien Nguyen ... (ed.), Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems

EUR 38,00
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Mathematik - Komlósi, Sándor:
Generalized convexity : proceedings of the IVth International Workshop on Generalized Convexity, held at Janus Pannonius University Pécs, Hungary, August 31 - September 2, 1992. S. Komlósi ... (ed.), Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems

EUR 20,00
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Davies, Philip J. und Philip Rabinowitz:
Numerical Integration

EUR 40,90
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Technik - Sato, Ryuzo , Nôno, Takayuki
Invariance principles and the structure of technology. Ryuzo Sato, Takayuki Nôno, Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems , 212

EUR 12,00
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