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Best of World Tour Bhajans. Volume I.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Esoterik - Astrologie - Mystik

AMMACHI (Mata Amritanandamayi) is an embodiment of unconditional love devoted to the service of all humanity. So approachable and accessible is she that people from all walks of life seek out the Mother, as she is affectionately called. She receives everyone in the same loving way regardless of his religious faith or non belief. As an untiring servant of all people, her time and life are dedicated solely to removing the suffering of humanity. No one`s concerns are insignificant to her. All find that her compassion and knowledge unfailingly guide them in their uncertain lives and her motherly affection Is a soothing balm to their afflictions. Taking each one to herself, without reservation she moves like a mother with children, bringing solace and peace of mind to all. This familiar closeness is so deeply moving that many burst into tears, as they experience the radiance of her divine love and compassion and attain a glimpse of their own true divine nature. She teaches by the example of her own life and conveys the highest spiritual truths in the simplest language. An inspiring example of humility, compassion, simplicity and patience, she has infused devotion to God, love for fellow beings, and the spirit of selfless service Into the heart of millions. Devotional singing or "bhajans" Is yet another form of compassion to her children. Mother talks about the significance of devotional singing thus: "Darling children, to gain concentration In this dark age of materialism, singing Is better than medita- tion. By loud singing, other distracting sounds will be overcome and concentration will be achieved. Bhajan, concentration, meditation,,. that Is the progression. Children, constant remembrance of God is meditation. Bhajan or devotional singing is a spiritual discipline aimed at concentrating the mind on one`s beloved deity. Through that one-pointedness, one can merge in the Divine Being and experience the bliss of one`s True Self. It matters not whether one believes In Krishna or Christ, Mother Kali or Mother Mary. The formless, a flame, a mountain or an idea such as world peace can be meditated upon while singing. By letting the mind expand in the sound of the divine chanting, each one can enjoy the peace born of one`s inherent divinity". The bhajans on this disk have been recorded live so as not to lose any of their spontaneity. Mother`s voice strikes the heart of the listener as strong as lightning and yet soothing like a feather`s touch. Somewhere deep down in our hearts it Invokes the forgotten memories of our true nature. CD, neuwertig

[SW: Indische Musik]
Indische, Musik
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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EUR 4,90
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,50
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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Antiquariat Kalyana, DE-58332 Schwelm
