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Lewis, Timothy E.
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Aluminum.
Lewis Publishers Inc. 1989
ISBN/EAN: 9780873711944

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Naturwissenschaft Chemie

Groß Oktav, 344 S. Englischsprachige Ausgabe Kein Schutzumschlag OPbd. Guter Zustand Gebundene Ausgabe

Library Ex. Kekule-Bibliothek Bayer Leverkusen. This valuable new book examines the sources, fate, transport, and health effects of aluminum in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Concisely written by leading experts, Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Aluminum bridges numerous scientific disciplines that are conducting research on this once-believed innocuous element.Included in this comprehensive publication are: the latest advances in the study of aluminum in the environment; toxicity research-aquatic and terrestrial biota; neurotoxicity and possible links to Alzheimer's disease; different forms of aluminum in soils and soil water; coordination chemistry; specification and analytical methods; mobilization into subsurface waters as a result of acidic deposition; aluminum chemistry in soils and plant toxicity; effects in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; and aluminum research in drinking and ground water. Mwst.: 7%. Wir verschicken keine Bestellbestätigung, Versand wenn möglich am Tag des Bestelleingangs.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,30
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Heystek, Hendrik (Ed.)
Ceramic Proceedings September-October 1985 - Engineering and Science. Proceedings of the Conference on Raw Materials for Advanced and Engineering Ceramics.

EUR 4,30
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Bayer Leverkusen, WV-LE ZDW Informationsmittel (Hrg.)
Alphabetische Produktliste der Geschäftsbereiche AC, KA, KU, LS, OC, PK, PU, SN, sowie der Firmen Bayer-Anhydrit-Verkaufsgesellschaft mbH., Formflex GmbH und Rhein-Chemie Rheinau GmbH, November 1987.

EUR 4,60
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Emeleus, Harry Julius ; Sharpe, Alan George
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Volume 21.

EUR 7,30
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Fisher, Robert E.
New Developments in Monolithic Refractories - Advances in Ceramics Volume 13.

EUR 9,60
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EUR 14,60
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 2,30
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
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Bestell-Nr.: 030772

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