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Hesperia 4/1981.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1981.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschichte-Zeitschriften

ca. 156 S. Standardeinband.

Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. English/In englischer Sprache. INHALT: Henry R. Immerwahr: Centennial Celebration. Program for Greek Towns and Cities: A Symposium. Thomas W. Jacobsen: Franchthi Cave and the Beginning of Settled Village Life in Greece. John L. Caskey: Notes on Keos and Tzia. Thomas D. Boyd, Michael H. Jameson: Urban and Rural Land Division in Ancient Greece. Homer A. Thompson: Athens Faces Adversity. T. Leslie Shear, Jr.: Athens: From City-State to Provincial Town. Speros Vryonis, Jr.: The Evolution of Slavic Society and the Slavic Invasions in Greece - The First Major Slavic Attack on Thessaloniki, A.D. 597. John Travlos: Athens After the Liberation: Planning the New City and Exploring the Old. Charles K. Williams, II: The City of Corinth and its Domestic Religion. Brunilde S. Ridgway: Sculpture from Corinth. Carolyn G. Koehler: Corinthian Developments in the Study of Trade in the Fifth Century. Epigraphical Index: Volume 50. Guter Zustand

[SW: Excavation Slave Invasion]
Excavation, Slave, Invasion
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Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 4/1997.

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Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 2/1994.

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