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Peter C. Marzio
The Democratic Art. Chromolithography 1840-1900. Pictures for a 19th-Century America.
Scolar Press, London 1979
ISBN/EAN: 9780879232900

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Varia

Peter C. Marzio The Democratic Art. Chromolithography 1840-1900. Pictures for a 19th-Century America.
Farbiger O.-SU. Leinen Wie Neu

Text Englisch, farbgestalteter Schutzumschlag mit Rückenbeschriftung, unverletzt, Leinen-Einband mit goldgeprägtem Rücken, tadellos, XIV, 357 Seiten mit umfangreichem Index, zahlreiche Abbildungen, Fotos in S/W und Farbe, insgesamt wie neu. ---- A profusely illustrated monograph in its original dust jacket, XIV, 357 pages, mint condition. ---"From 1840 through the early 1900s America's culture was dramatically changed by the introduction of a new method of producing and disseminating art - chromolithography. Printed by the millions in up to twenty colors, these lithographs made their way into every household, were bought by every class of person, and portrayed every subject imaginable, from soup labels to snake oil, trapeze artists to presidents, still lifes to landscapes. Broadsides, trade cards, posters, and wail hangings were consumed voraciously, fed by millions of pounds of printing ink, thousands of lithographic stones, and hundreds of printing presses. In short order, lithography became a giant American industry. The mass production of chromolithographs was a technological accomplishment with a vibrant social presence. Chromotithographs epitomized an essential element of America's nineteenth-century culture, so much so that they gave their name to an era - the chromo-civilization." 22 x 29 Cm. 1,8 Kg.

[SW: Kunst Druckkunst USA Buchillustrationen Chromolithographien Commercial Art]
Kunst, Druckkunst, Buchillustrationen, Chromolithographien, Commercial
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 5,50
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Figurentheater - Vierteljahreszeitschrift, früher erschienen unter den Titeln "Der Puppenspieler" und "Das Puppentheater". Jahrgang VI + VII, komplett. 1963-1965.

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Antiquariat Clement, DE-53111 Bonn
