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HEATON, John Aldam (Ed.).
Furniture and Decoration in England during the Eighteenth Century. Facsimile Reproductions of the Choicest Examples from the works of Chippendale, Adam, Richardson, Heppelwhite, Sheraton, Pergolesi and others.
London, Bumpus 1890-1893.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Kunst

HEATON, John Aldam (Ed.). Furniture and Decoration in England during the Eighteenth Century. Facsimile Reproductions of the Choicest Examples from the works of Chippendale, Adam, Richardson, Heppelwhite, Sheraton, Pergolesi and others.
2 Bde. in 4 geb. Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeFolio = Höhe des Buchrücken 40-45 cm. 21 S. VIII, 200 Taf. mit je 1 Textbl. OHLdr. mit Goldpräg. Ecken u. Kanten berieben, tlws. fingerfleckig.

Plates of chairs, tables, cabinets, mirrors, chimneypieces, friezes and carvings reproduced from the originals, often on a larger scale. Almost the first facsimiles of English furniture pattern books and an instance of a dealer-for Aldam Heaton had his own firm - increasing public interest in his stock by a scholarly publication on it.

[SW: Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Möbel]
Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Möbel
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GUILHERMY (Ferdinand Baron) de. La Sainte-Chapelle de Paris après les restaurations. Commencées par M. Duban, terminées par M. Lassus. Ouvrage exécuté sous la direction de M. V. Calliat.
GUILHERMY (Ferdinand Baron) de.
La Sainte-Chapelle de Paris après les restaurations. Commencées par M. Duban, terminées par M. Lassus. Ouvrage exécuté sous la direction de M. V. Calliat.

EUR 500,00
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ROLLAND, Romain. Liluli.
ROLLAND, Romain.

EUR 45,00
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ZWEIG, Marianne (Hrsg.). Wiener Bürgermöbel aus theresianischer und josephinischer Zeit (1749-1790).
ZWEIG, Marianne (Hrsg.).
Wiener Bürgermöbel aus theresianischer und josephinischer Zeit (1749-1790).

EUR 189,00
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 Artibus Asiae.

Artibus Asiae.

EUR 100,00
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Antiquariat Burgverlag, AT-1010 Wien
