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FRERE, H. Bartle.
Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on the 22nd June, 1874. Together with the presentation of the Royal and other Awards.
London, Clowes 1874.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geographie

FRERE, H. Bartle. Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on the 22nd June, 1874. Together with the presentation of the Royal and other Awards.
92 S. OKart. Einbd. angestaubt, Rü. beschäd.

Contains: Dr. Livingstone; Charles Livingstone; Von Sydow-Hansteen; Count Strzelecki; Vice-Admiral McClure; Sir H. Holland; The Bishop of Winchester; Lord de la Zouche-Abbott-Wheelwright; Hamilton Hume-Herman Merivale; Admiralty Surveys-"Challenger" Expedition; Indian Marine Surveys; Arctic Exploration; Palestine Survey; Persia-Russian Empire and Mongolia; Russian Expeditions: Tungusska and Khiva; Indian Land Surveys; Mr. Forsyth`s Mission (in Central Asia); Australia-Colonel Warburton`s Expedition; New Guinea-"Basilisk" Exploration; Africa-Sir S. Baker`s Expedition;

[SW: Geographie, Zeitschriften]
Geographie, Zeitschriften
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SALLE, de la. - ARTAUD, de Montor Alexis Francois.
L`Universo o Storia e descrizione di tutti i populi, loro religioni, costumi, usanze, ec. Sicilia.

EUR 500,00
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HÜBNER, Johann.
Vollständige Geographie. Erster Theil, Von Europa, Portugall, Spanien, Franckreich, England, Schottland, Ireland, Niederland, Schweitz und Italien.

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