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Historia de las islas de Africa. Version castellano por una Sociedad literaria.
Barcelona, Fomento o. J. [ca. 1840].

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geographie

D`AVEZAC, M. Historia de las islas de Africa. Version castellano por una Sociedad literaria.
Tit., 352 S. Mit insges. 28 Stahlstich-Taf. HLdr. d. Zt. Berieb. Taf. stockfl. - (Panorama universal) EA

Angeb.: CHARLIER, V. Historia de las islas Madagascar, Borbon y Mauricio. Version castellan par una sociedad literaria. Ebda. o.J.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfeo.J. = ohne Jahresangabe 52 S.

[SW: Geographie, Afrika]
Geographie, Afrika
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VOSGIEN [i.e. J.- Bapt. LADVOCAT] (Trad.) Dictionnaire géographique-portatif, ou Description des Royaumes, Provinces, Villes, Patriarchats, Évêchés, Duchés, Comtés, Marquisats, Villes Impériales et Anséatiques, Ports, Forteresses, Citadelles.
VOSGIEN [i.e. J.- Bapt. LADVOCAT] (Trad.)
Dictionnaire géographique-portatif, ou Description des Royaumes, Provinces, Villes, Patriarchats, Évêchés, Duchés, Comtés, Marquisats, Villes Impériales et Anséatiques, Ports, Forteresses, Citadelles.

EUR 220,00
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Natchez Trace Parkway Survey. Letter of the secretary of the interior, Transmitting in response to senate resolution No. 222, a report of a survey of the old indian trail, known as the Natchez Trace, made by the department of the interior, through the national park service, pursuant to an an act approved may 21, 1934, with a view to constructing a national road on this route to be known as the Natchez Trace Parkway. 76th Congress, 3rd Session. Senate. Document No. 148.

EUR 75,00
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BODE, Johann Elert. Anleitung zur allgemeinen Kenntniß der Erdkugel.
BODE, Johann Elert.
Anleitung zur allgemeinen Kenntniß der Erdkugel.

EUR 200,00
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ROESNER, Ernst (Bearb.). Hübner`s Weltstatistik.
ROESNER, Ernst (Bearb.).
Hübner`s Weltstatistik.

EUR 24,00
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EUR 420,00
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Bestell-Nr.: 1936-11

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Antiquariat Burgverlag, AT-1010 Wien
