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Porter, Neil C. F., Marc Proulx und Christian Dr. v. Raumer;
English in Context
Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag, 1995.
ISBN/EAN: 3464048454

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Schulbücher

1. Auflage 240 Seiten , 24 cm, kart.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfekart. = kartoniert, stärkere Gebrauchsspuren, Schulstempel, die Seiten sind fleckig, die Einbandkanten sind bestoßen,alles ist gut lesbar, Aus dem Inhalt: Getting Started - Saving the Planet: Our Environment in Danger - Expressing Ourselves: Arts and Culture - Spreading the News: The Mass Media - Shaping the Young: Eduction and Class in the Modern World - Working under New Conditions: The Economy and the Individual - Creating a Just and Democratic Society: Amercan Values and Attitudes - Living in America: Multiculturalism in the Usa - Adjusting to the Future: Britain in a Changing World - Understanding Each Other: Aspects of Communication - Historical Documents - Language Review - Notes on the Authors 2j3 ISBN-Nummer: 3464048454 Porter, Neil C. F.; Proulx, Marc; Dr. v. Raumer, Christian; English in Context; Getting Started; Saving the Planet: Our Environment in Danger; Expressing Ourselves: Arts and Culture; Spreading the News: The Mass Media; Shaping the Young: Eduction and Class in the Modern World; Working under New Conditions: The Economy and the Individual; Creating a Just and Democratic Society: Amercan Values and Attitudes; Living in America: Multiculturalism in the USA; Adjusting to the Future: Britain in a Changing World; Understanding Each Other: Aspects of Communication; Historical Documents; Language Review; Notes on the Authors; Englisch; 1

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00
Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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