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Dudewicz, E.J., D. Plachky and P.K. Sen:
Selected Papers presented at the 16th European Meeting of Statisticians. Marburg., September 3-7,1984.
München Oldenbourg, 1985.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Mathematik

Dudewicz, E.J., D. Plachky and P.K. Sen:  Selected Papers presented at the 16th European Meeting of Statisticians. Marburg., September 3-7,1984.
Supplement Issue No. 2. Statistics and decisions. Sehr gutes Exemplar. U.a.: General Stochastic Methods. Stochastic Processes. Estimation Theory and Statistical Hypotheses. Computational Statistics and Classifications.... Applications : Biology and Medicine. Economics and related fields. Geodesy... Originalbroschur. 22 cm 467 pages.

Sehr gutes Exemplar. U.a.: General Stochastic Methods. Stochastic Processes. Estimation Theory and Statistical Hypotheses. Computational Statistics and Classifications.... Applications : Biology and Medicine. Economics and related fields. Geodesy...

[SW: Stochastik, Statistik, Computer-Statistik, Biologie, Medizin. Ökonomie, Klassifikation Geodäsie Anwendung, Biologie Ökonomie]
Stochastik, Statistik, Computer-Statistik, Biologie, Medizin., Ökonomie, Klassifikation, Geodäsie, Anwendung, Biologie, Ökonomie
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Gajic, Zoran and Muhammad Tahir Javed Qureshi:
Lyapunov Matrix Equation in System Stability and Control (Dover Civil and Mechanical Engineering) Zoran Gajic; Muhammad Tahir Javed Qureshi Verlag: Dover Publications, 2008 ISBN 10: 048646668X / ISBN 13: 9780486466682

EUR 21,00
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Kaufmann, Stephan:  Mathematica - kurz und bündig.
Kaufmann, Stephan:
Mathematica - kurz und bündig.

EUR 13,50
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Steinke, Peter:  Finite-Elemente-Methode : rechnergestützte Einführung.
Steinke, Peter:
Finite-Elemente-Methode : rechnergestützte Einführung.

EUR 36,00
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Reddy, J.N.:
Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis. ISBN 10: 0849315921ISBN 13: 9780849315923

EUR 69,50
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