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Alona Frankel/Miriam Magall (Übersetz.)
Was soll ich heute Gutes essen?
Poseidon-Bilderbuch/Poseidon-Press 1982
ISBN/EAN: 9783704930026

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Alte Kinderbücher

Hardcover ein extrem seltenes, sehr gut erhaltenes Kinderbuch für den Sammler! Alona Frankel (born June 27, 1937) is an Polish-born Israeli author and illustrator of children's books. She was born in Cracow, Poland and hid throughout the Holocaust, in 1949 she moved to Israel. Frankel started writing when her son Michael was a baby, creating a book for him called Once Upon a Potty.It was first published in 1975 and became an instant best seller. Frankel gained international popularity and recognition when Once Upon a Potty appeared in English in 1980 for girls - Prudence - and boys - Joshua. These #1 all-time classic books and videos have sold over 5,000,000 copies in the United States alone. They were listed as No. 1 (His) and No. 3 (Hers) in Publisher Weekly's all-time best-selling Hardcover Childcare charts. Frankel also won Israel's Sapir Prize for Literature for her memoir, Girl, about a young Jewish girl in Poland during the early 1940's. Alona Frankel has written and illustrated many other Joshua and Prudence titles for children and their caregivers worldwide. n. pag.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfepag. = paginiert (Seitennummerierung) 16,5 x 17 cm

[SW: Rarität/antiquarisches Buch/altes Kinderbuch]
Rarität/antiquarisches, Buch/altes, Kinderbuch
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