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Jan Brett
Comet's Nine Lives
G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers 1996
ISBN/EAN: 9780399229312

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher

Hardcover neuwertig! Like all cats, Comet has nine lives and, when he loses his first one in a Nantucket garden, he wisely decides that it's time to settle down. After looking for homes in a bookstore, on a sea-going scalloper, in an ice cream shop, in a theater, and at a Fourth of July concert, Comet finally meets a lighthouse cat and knows he's home at last. Brett captures Nantucket's nautical scenery in exquisite and colorful detail. Like all cats, Comet knew he had been born with nine lives. But he'd never thought much about it until the day he lost life number one in a flower garden on Nantucket. He'd spent lazy days wandering all over the island, not calling any one place home. Now he knows it is time to settle down. But Comet's lives begin to disappear all too quickly, as he gets into one humorous predicament after another. Then comes the day of the big hurricane. Beautiful island scenes--sandy beaches, hillside flower gardens, seaside trails, villages, and the sea itself are set within exquisite shell borders. Once again Jan Brett brings her originality and charm to a familiar setting as she inhabits her Nantucket with colorful canine residents, among them a shaggy sheepdog captain who travels through the story and into the borders looking for a friend to live with him and his lighthouse cat. n. pag.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfepag. = paginiert (Seitennummerierung) 23 x 25,5 cm

[SW: englischsprachiges Kinderbuch/Rarität/Katzengeschichte]
englischsprachiges, Kinderbuch/Rarität/Katzengeschichte
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