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Stephanie Nettell/Ian Penney (Illustr.)
Collins Christmas Treasury
Harper Collins Publisher 1996
ISBN/EAN: 9780001980570

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher

Hardcover wie neu! In this special collection, compiler Stephanie Nettell has selected material dealing with the birth of Christ, the enjoyment of Christmas as a family event, the traditions of giving and receiving and how Christmas is so very different in other places and in past times. The collection includes old favourites from A A Milne and Ogden Nash, contemporary verse from Michael Rosen, and classic Christmas stories from Charles Dickens and Laurie Lee. A stimulating mixture of the familiar, the unexpected and the completely new, this is an anthology for all the family to enjoy. 159 22,5 x 29 cm

[SW: Weihnachtsgeschichten /Rarität/englischsprachiges Weihnachtsbuch]
Weihnachtsgeschichten, /Rarität/englischsprachiges, Weihnachtsbuch
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Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
