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Jeremy Moray/Dee Gale (Illustr.)
Timmy and the otters
Harbour Publishing Madeira Parc, B.C./Canada 1985
ISBN/EAN: 9780919131026

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Englische Kinderbücher

Taschenbuch mit Widmung! ISBN 9780919131026 laut Buch Timmy and the otters is the third book in a series about Timmy the Tug. Written by Jeremy Moray and illustrated by Dee Gale, these enchanting books have become the best sellers within a year of publication, and are now enthralling children in many countries around the world. n. pag.Antikbuch24-Schnellhilfepag. = paginiert (Seitennummerierung) 22 x 28,5 cm

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: Auf Anfrage
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Antiquariat UPP, DE-93161 Sinzing
