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W. Greuter & B. Zimmer & H.D. Behnke(Hrsg.)
XIV. International Botanical Congress. Abstracts of the General Lectures, Symposium Papers and Posters. 24 July to 1 August , 1987 in Berlin

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Botanik

Broschur Mit Namensvermerk, sonst fast wie neu! International Botanical Congress (IBC) is a large-scale meeting of botanists in all scientific fields, from all over the world. Authorized by the International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS), congresses are held every six years with the venue circulating around the world. The latest was the XVII IBC in Vienna, a hundred years after the second congress, II IBC, and the next will be held in Melbourne, Australia, 24-30 July 2011 [1] . 480 A4

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