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Dr. Hans Hass
MANTA - Teufel im Roten Meer. Die Eroberung einer neuen Welt. Mit 26 Abbildungen und 2 Kartenskizzen
Ullstein 1960

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Zoologie

100. Tausend Leinen Schutzumschlag mit Randläsuren, Buch selbst sauber und sehr guter Zustand! Inhaltsverzeichnis: - Aufbruch ins Ungewisse - Der erste Tag - Das Wrack - Die tote Stadt - Korallenzauber - Begegnung mit dem Teufel - Die ersten Haie - Der Geburtstag des Königs - Perlenbänke - Im Schwarm der Ungeheuer - Der letzte Tag - Die wissenschaftlichen Namen der Fische und Korallen Rezension: Many years ago, the legendary Jacques Cousteau enthralled us with his underwater exploits on television. Then came the husband and wife team of Hans and Lotte Hass who were equally as exciting and, like Cousteau, introduced the viewer to many sights not previously seen by a largely stay-at-home public. It was from those programmes that ordinary people began to learn something of the underwater environment for the very first time. Whilst Cousteau continued diving almost until his death, Hass retired early and returned to the study of behavioural and evolutionary theory. In recent years, he was regularly invited to give talks to diving audiences in the UK but, sadly, apart from taking every opportunity to mock Cousteau, the subject matter of his talks was nothing to do with diving and usually way over the heads of the audience. Whilst this man's original work, therefore, was quite excellent in it's own right, it is often either dismissed or overlooked for two reasons. Firstly, Dr Hass has the largest possible chip on his shoulder as far as Cousteau is concerned - believing that much of his own pioneering work in the world of scuba diving to have been hijacked when it was not. Secondly, he has not been an active diver for something approaching 40 years and is, therefore, no longer the authority he once was. Whilst, these two debilitating factors surface from time to time, one should, nevertheless, see this book as part of the very heritage of scuba diving because there was a time when Hans Hass was an authority, a great diving pioneer and along with his wife Lotte, a household name. In this instance, I found fascinating comparisons between the Red Sea of the 1950s with the Red Sea of today which I have come to know intimately. Such books as this are important because they allow the modern diver to make such evaluations and, in so doing, help underline the damage being wrought by divers every single day (by Ned Middleton, the British professional underwater photo-journalist & author) 156 16,5 x 23,5 cm

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