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Robert Fulghum (Autor)
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things
Ivy Books New York 1990
ISBN/EAN: 9780804105262

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Ratgeber-Psyche

23. Taschenbuch Seiten nachgedunkelt, sonst gutes Exemplar! Of these random jottings, PW said, Fulghum does not express uncommon thoughts here: his thoughts are those we all wish were true. The book's tone is set by the title piece in which the author sets out his banal credos, ranging from share everything to hold hands and stick together. Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. From Library Journal Unitarian minister Fulghum has become something of a celebrity since a talk he gave at a primary school graduation (Share everything. Play fair. . . . LOOK.) generated such interest that it ultimately found its way into Dear Abby. Here is more of his philosophyalways go with dreams, imagination, hope, laughter, and loveaccompanied by random musings on dandelions, medicine cabinets, and the vices of excessive tidiness, which are quirky and often thought-provoking. Undergirded by his love for family and (loosely understood) for God, this makes refreshing reading. Rezension: If you are a sophisticated person read this: In most cases it's easy to just do the right thing. The one single action to solve a problem, to make somebody happy, to be happy yourself, to find meaning behind and in things. This little, very amusing and very touchy book is a little manual, a little push toward doing the right thing. The thing that comes out of your heart and is the real, true self. If you are a normal human being you should be reading this: If you are not into philosophical and esoterical trash-talk you will find great joy in this book. Because the stories are simple, written out of a funny persons life. A guy who takes things easy and has little time to waste with useless actions. If you are a kid: This is lots of fun, boy. Or girl. Now I'm going to have a few warm chocolate cookies and milk. Write and sing, dance and draw alittle bit. And then take a healthy afternoon nap. So long! 192

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