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Geologie - Abbotts, I.L.
United Kingdom Oil and Gas Fields 25 Years Commemorative Volume Memoir. No. 14
The Geological Society London, 1991.
ISBN/EAN: 9780903317627

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geologie

573 p. Hardcover 24 x32 cm

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Geologie - Sommaruga, Anna, Urs Eichenberger and Francois Marillier
Seismic Atlas of the Swiss Molasse Basin Text volume with 37 figures and 9 tables

EUR 120,00
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Geology - Salop, Lazar' I. [Hrsg.]
Geological evolution of the earth during the Precambrian. ed. by L. J. Salop. Transl. by V. P. Grudina

EUR 50,00
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Geologie - Brooks, J., J. Goff and B. van Hoorne
Habitat of Palaeozoic Gas in N.W. Europe

EUR 50,00
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Geologie - Eirikssons, Leiv
Batlas Mid Noeway plate reconstruction atlas with global and Atlantic perspectives A product of the Basin Analysis and applied Thermochronology on the mid Norwegian shelf project, 1998 - 2002

EUR 25,00
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