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Hakluyt, Richard.
The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation, Made by Sea or Over-land to the Remote and Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 Yeeres 12 Volumes.
Glasgow, MacLehose and Sons. 1903-1905.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geographie, Reisen.

12 volume set. Limited to 1000 sets. 8vo. Original gilt stamped blue cloth, title pages in black and red, top edges gilt, untrimmed. Numerous photogravures, folding maps, facsimiles, etc.

Spine extremities very mildly bumped on several volumes, scattered light foxing, Exlibris on front pastedown endpapers, otherwise no markings. Very good set. Leicht berieben und leicht stockfleckig, sehr gut erhalten.

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
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Lever, W. H.
The Buildings Erected at Port Sunlight and Thornton Hough.

EUR 360,00
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Christopher Columbus.
The Voyages of Christopher Columbus Beeing the Journals of his First and Third, and the Letters Concerning his First and Last Voyages, to wich is Added the Account of His Second Voyage Written by Andres Bernaldez.

EUR 360,00
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Freiesleben, Hans-Christian (Einführung).
Der Katalanische Weltatlas vom Jahre 1375 nach dem in der Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, verwahrten Original farbig wiedergegeben.

EUR 360,00
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Marco Polo.
The Most Noble and Famous Travels of Marco Polo together with the Travels of Nicoöo de' Conti Edited from the Elizabethan Translation of John Frampton with Introduction, Notes and Appendices by N.M. Penzer.

EUR 480,00
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EUR 420,00
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