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Geology - Roure, F., N. Ellouz and V.S. Shein
Geodynamic Evolution of Sedimentary Basins Proceeding of the Moscow Symposium
Institut Francais du pétrole Paris, 1996.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geology

453 p. Kart.

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Geology - Brunner, Jean-Pierre und Xavier Fort
Entre sel et terre Structures et m#ecanismes de la tectonique salifère

EUR 40,00
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Geology - Mahel', Michal
Tectonics of the Carpathian Balkan regions Arctic Geology and Petroleum Potential: Proceedings of the Norwegian Petroleum Society Conference, Tromso, Norway, 15-17 August 1990 Explanations to the tectonic map of the carpathian-balkan regions and their foreland

EUR 20,00
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Geology - Kjennerud, Tomas
With particular reference to the northern North Sea Basin Dissertation

EUR 20,00
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Geology - Closs, Hans [Ed.] and K. [Ed.] v. Gehlen H. [Ed.] Illies a. o.
Mobile earth: International Geodynamics Project - final report of the Federal Republic of Germany.

EUR 5,00
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EUR 50,00
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Wissenschaftliches Antiquariat Heinz Buschulte, DE-79379 Müllheim
