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Die Zehn Prinzen - Ein Indischer Roman von Dandin : Vollständige verdeutscht von Johannes Hertel : 3 Bände (3 Büchlein) : H. Haessel Verlag in Leipzig 1922 : Erstausgabe : deutsche Sprache : Frakturschrift :
H. Haessel Verlag Leipzig 1922.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literatur + Philosophie

532 532 Seiten 3 Bde. 608g, Leinen mit Kartonage der Zeit :

Dadin was a seventh- to eighth-century Sanskrit grammarian and author of prose romances, and 'is one of the best-known writers in all of Asian history'. A range of evidence points to an association with the Pallava dynasty and its court at Kanchipuram in modern-day Tamil Nadu. His writings were all in Sanskrit.Dandin's life and times have been studied particularly by D. K. Gupta. If we accept the account of Dandin's life in his Avantisundari as genuine autobiography, Da??in was a great-grandson of one Damodara, a court poet from Vidarbha who served, amongst others, the Pallava king Simhavisnu and King Durvinita of the Western Ganga dynasty: Damodara was married in Kañci and fathered three sons; his middle-born, Manoratha, had four sons; Manoratha’s youngest son, Viradatta, married a Brahmin woman, Gauri, and they had several daughters and, eventually, a son, Dandin. Dandin then reports that he lost his mother at the age of seven and his father shortly thereafter, and that as an orphan, he had to flee Kañci because of an enemy invasion and was able to return only once peace was restored. Yigal Bronner concludes that 'These details all suggest that Dandin’s active career took place around 680–720 CE under the auspices of Narasi?havarman II Rajasi?ha in Kañci (r. 690/1–728/9)'. Dandin was widely praised as a poet by pre-modern Sanskrit commentators such as Rajasekhara (fl. 920 CE), and his works widely studied to this day. One shloka (hymn) that explains the strengths of different poets says: "Dandin is the master of playful words". However, Dandin's works are not well preserved. He composed the now incomplete prose Dasakumaracarita, and the even less complete Avantisundari (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti), also in prose. But he is best known for composing the Kavyadarsa ('Mirror of Poetry'), the handbook of classical Sanskrit poetics, or Kavya, which seems to be preserved intact. There has been some debate over whether these were all composed by the same person, but 'there is now a wide consensus that a single Dandin in authored all these works at the Pallava court in Kañci around the end of the seventh century'. (wikipedia) : : gerne senden wir Ihnen weitere Fotos und Informationen : der Gesamteindruck dieses Buches ist GEBRAUCHT : SEHR GUT - Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich um gebrauchte Bücher handelt. Bei den Preisen haben wir den Zustand des Buches berücksichtigt.

[SW: Indische Literatur / Sanskrit]
Indische, Literatur, Sanskrit
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