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Lin, Ming C. / Manocha, Dinesh (Edts.)
Field-Programmable Logic and Applications. 7th International Workshop, FPL ` 97 London, UK, Sept. 1-3, 1997 Proceedings. (=Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 1304).
Springer Berlin, 1997.
ISBN/EAN: 3540634657

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Informatik, Hardware, Software

Lin, Ming C. / Manocha, Dinesh (Edts.)  Field-Programmable Logic and Applications. 7th International Workshop, FPL ` 97 London, UK, Sept. 1-3, 1997 Proceedings. (=Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 1304).
503 S. Paperback/ broschiert

Guter Zustand/ Good With figures and tables. Ex-Library.

[SW: Computerwissenschaft Logik Anwendungen Mathematik Mathematics]
Computerwissenschaft, Logik, Anwendungen, Mathematik, Mathematics
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 0,00
Lieferzeit: 1 - 7 Werktage
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Adaptive Steuerungen: Fuzzy Control im Vergleich zu Regelungstechnik und Neuronalen Netzen.

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Edwards, Alistair D. N. and Simon Holland (Edts.):  Multimedia interface design in education : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Multi-Media Interface Design in Education, held at Castel Vecchio Pascoli, Lucca, Italy, September 20 - 24, 1989]. (=NATO: NATO ASI series / Series F / Computer and systems sciences ; Vol. 76).
Edwards, Alistair D. N. and Simon Holland (Edts.):
Multimedia interface design in education : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Multi-Media Interface Design in Education, held at Castel Vecchio Pascoli, Lucca, Italy, September 20 - 24, 1989]. (=NATO: NATO ASI series / Series F / Computer and systems sciences ; Vol. 76).

EUR 14,50
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Brandenburgische Bauordnung. Textausgabe. (BbgBO) ; i.d.F. der Bek. vom 16.7.2003]. Rehmbau.

EUR 20,20
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Chen, Shu-Heng:
Computational intelligence in economics and finance, Vol. 2.

EUR 11,50
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