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Motion, Andrew and Candice Rodd; gefunden im Sachgebiet: Geschichten & Erzählungen 500 Seiten , 20 cm, kartoniert das Buch ist in einem guten, gebrauchten Zustand, New Writing 3 is the third volimie of an annual anthology founded in 1992 to provide a much-needed outlet for new short stories, work in progress, poetry and essays by established and new writers working in Britain or in the English language. Although New Writing is designed primarily as a forum for British writers, the object is to present a multi-faceted picture of modern Britain, and contributions from English-language writers of non-British naitionality will occasionally be accepted if they contribute to this aim. It was initiated by the British Coimcil`s Literature Department, who hoped through it to respond to the strong interest in the newest British writing not only within Britain but overseas, where access to fresh developments is often difficult. Thus New Writing is not only a literary annual of important new work, but also an international shop window. ... (aus dem Buch) 1f7b New Writing 3; Andrew Motion; Candice Rodd; Roman; Geschichte; Erzählungen; 1
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 3,00 Lieferzeit: 2 - 5 Werktage
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