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Automobile - Clarke, George T. gefunden im Sachgebiet: Technik / Technology 8vo. With together 6 coloured pop-up plates and numerous fotos and illustrations. Orig. half cloth binding. - 1. vol: Decarbonising; Valve Grinding; Electrical trouble Tracing; Simple tyre repaits; Common faults in carburetters; Simple brake repairs and adjustments; Bodywork repairs; Dismantling and Assembling, etc. - 2. vol: Wiring and Lighting Faults; Car Batteries, Faults, Emedies and Repairs; The automatic cut-out; Car Dynamos; Dynamotors; etc. - 3. vol: welding, Brazing and Metal Cutting, with examples of frame Straightening; Mechanics of the Car; Steering Gear; Brakes and Braking; Milling, etc. - 4. vol: Carburation and Petrol Supply Systems; Cylinder Faults and Remedies; Piston Repairs; Wheels and Tyres; Gearboxes; Valve Timing, etc. - 5. vol: Business Building; Outdoor Garage Equipment; Indoor Garage Equipment; Notes for the Service Agent, etc.
Covers a bit worn. Paper slightly browned. Else fine copys. [SW: Car, Auto, Automobil, Automechanik, Automechaniker, Autotechnik, English, Englisch, L.] Auto, Automobil, Automechanik, Automechaniker, Autotechnik, English, Englisch
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand: EUR 12,50 Lieferzeit: 2 - 7 Werktage
Versandkostenfrei nach Deutschland (Land-/Seeweg) ab EUR 300,00 Bestellwert bei diesem Anbieter. Dieses Angebot wurde bereits 207 mal aufgerufen
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