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POTEBNJA, Alexander.
Iz lektsii po teorii slovesnosti: Basnia, poslovitsa, pogovorka. [From Lectures on the Theory of Literature: The Fable, The Adage, The Proverb]
Kharkov, K. Schasni 1894.

gefunden im Sachgebiet: Literaturwissenschaft

POTEBNJA, Alexander. Iz lektsii po teorii slovesnosti: Basnia, poslovitsa, pogovorka. [From Lectures on the Theory of Literature: The Fable, The Adage, The Proverb]
gr.-Antikbuch24-SchnellhilfeOktav = Höhe des Buchrücken 18,5-22,5 cm. 3 Bll., 162 S., 1 Bl. HLdr. d. Zt. Unteres Kap ausgebroch. Mehrf. gestemp.

Alexander Potebnja or Oleksander Opanasovich Potebnia was an Ukrainian philosopher and linguist active in the Russian Empire, who was a professor of linguistics at the University of Kharkiv. He translated parts of Homer`s Odyssey into Ukrainian, even though translating into that language was prohibited in the Russian Empire. He constructed a theory of language and consciousness that later influenced the thinking of his countryman the Psychologist Lev Vygotsky. His main work was `Language and Thought` (mysl` i jazyk, 1862). He was a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Schiences.

[SW: Literaturwissenschaft]
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Die moderne französische Lyrik von 1870 bis zur Gegenwart. Studie/Erläuterte Texte.

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